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Supporting Home Herbalists;
Promoting the Culture of Herbalism to the
Spokane Community,
via education, vendors and a
socially engaging platform.

June 29th & 30th  2024
10-4 & 10-4

West Central Mission 1832 West Dean
Admission $3, Children Free

Spokane Herbal Faire

Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Spokane Herbal Faire site.

Spring 2024:

8 years in! Actually 10 with the two year pandemic break. But eight years of the Faire! It feels as though we have settled a bit, we know we will be at the West Central Abbey as long as we can be, we love it there SO much. The grounds, the people, the service, it is beautiful and we are grateful.
And, we know we are going to do the Faire on Hoopfest weekend, for the foreseeable future. Why? B/C a lot of folks are already out and about for the festivity and it is easy to come see us too, b/c  Hoopfest and the Faire are in different parts of town, you can figure out how to navigate the traffic and the first year we tried this it was a marvelous success.

We still need volunteers (2/25 hr shifts) for the days  of, please head to that page to help out :)

See you soon,

2024 Fairies!

Spring 2023:

We have set our dates, we have our roles assigned! Looking forward to seeing each and everyone of you in June! Please, download the PDF below and hang up where you see fit!

Winter 2023:

WE are planning! Dates for the Faire are set for Father's Day weekend! We realize some folks will not be able to join us, but as we try to accommodate for Bloomsday, the TIEG and other spring/summer events this was the weekend that worked best for the planing crew. Thank you for your patience!

More updates to come! May your winters be warm and joyful!

Spring 2022:

WE ARE BACK! For real this year, and we are SO EXCITED! We have several new people on the board of the Herbal Guild, and new people to helping coordinate this beautiful event. We look forward to two days of vendors, workshops, community and herbal lore. Please, bring your family and come join us as we learn, practice and experience herbalism, face to face!

Please, download the file below, this is the 2022 Faire Poster, help us spread the word!


Summer 2021:

Dear Herbal community of Spokane & greater area,

As the Herbal Faire coordinators have been watching with increasing concern for the health and well being of our community, we have been pulled to the important decision to postpone the Spokane Herbal Faire until we are certain we would not be a part of the spreading of this more virulent strain of Covid-19.

This harvest season we remain committed to safely supporting our local herbal needs by harvesting, making herbal products and distributing where wanted, through our local Herbalists Without Borders (HWB) chapter. We will continue to harvest, creating teas, salves and other remedies to be handed out at women's & children's shelters, served alongside community meals at the West Central Abbey and other outlets of our community in need.

The Spokane Herbal Faire is our main fundraiser for our HWB efforts so please keep us in mind for any donations you wish to consider this year. We are always in need of organic olive oil and pesticide free beeswax & honey. We are a nonprofit so your donations are tax deductible, please email back for information.

Thank You!

We are looking forward to when we can welcome everyone back just as soon as it is safe for all. We will keep you posted as we know when we will be able to host our beautiful Faire.


2021 Herbal Fairies

Spring 2021:

What a euphoric Spring we have been enveloped in, while the weather has been hot and perhaps drier than we would like, it is a Spring that has emerged after a winter of a changed reality, of different sized gatherings and of perhaps less social interaction than we are used to. And now, as the ground greens beneath our feet and flowers unfurl their delightful colors, we are beginning to see our society embrace one another again. In terms of the Faire we are grateful to announce that, as of this moment we will conduct our event in September at the West Central Abbey. We are yet unsure of what sort of mask or other restrictions may or may not be necessary, stay tuned as we update the site. Meanwhile, we are in need of volunteers for the days of! 2 1/4 hour shifts, please go over to the volunteer page for more information!

Winter 2021:

What a strange year 2020 was! So many changes engulfed the planet! Now we sit in the winter of 2021, vaccines rolling out, adaptation such as virtual school & work, Zoom becoming one of the most used platforms ever! Who knew!?
So what about this year? The Faire?
We have every hope of being able to gather this Fall again at the Abbey. Our projected dates are Sept 17th & 18th. However, this is still contingent on what happens with the Virus in the months in between. The Fairies have been observing the goings on and we have all voted to wait until May to make further statements about the Faire. In the mean time, keep checking our website, consider marking your calendar, know that the organizers have been spinning their craft at making the Faire even better and envision a beautiful, healthy and social 2021.


The Herb Fairies

Spring 2020:

What an interesting year we have all had so far! Lot's has changed in everyone's daily lives, and in lieu of the Corona Virus we have collectively decided to skip the Herbal Faire for 2020.  There are many unknowns in the year ahead with how our country and region are dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. The decision was made in order to give space for continued healing, to allow finances of the vendors and purchasers to again be stable and to create the Faire to be even more educational, beautiful and prosperous in 2021.
In the mean time our efforts will be to continue to support our parent project, Herbalists Without Borders. Our community gardens grow herbs we make into medicines, we are out wild crafting and our team is still meeting and feeling healthy.
We look forward to healthy & bountiful 2021 Faire!

May you all be in excellent health andof  good cheer.

Herbally yours,
2020 Heb Fairies

Fall 2019:

We had amazing 5th year! Thank you Spokane for all your continued support! As we pull in for our Winter's Rest we are so pleased with the beauty & communal support and interaction of the 2019 event. The Herb Fairies truly went above & beyond to co create such a lovely space. Thank you! To all the Volunteers, your support gave the Faire the space to unfurl in a most flowing and easy way, Thank You!

With the Four Seasons Herbal Guild operating, and us supporting Herbalists Without Borders & Community Gardens we have come to the the conclusion that
our team has the need for more coordinators. These are roles that require planning, attending meetings and being involved in a serious way in a designated part of the Faire. Examples include: Compost Coordinator, Workshop Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, Kids Korner Coordinator, Drawing for Prizes Coordinator, Vending Coordinator, Cleaning Coordinator & Tea Kitchen Coordinator... to name a few. Each major roll will have the support of an Herbal Faire Fairy, she will guide you before and during the Faire as necessary. So, for 2020 we are calling to the community for extra help, if you are interested please go to the contact page and fill out the form.

Thank You!

Herbal Blessings!

-2019 Herbal Fairies

Spring 2019:

In our fifth year now, we began with the following question:

What are we doing with our accumulating extra funds?

In answering this question, we have decided that our funds will be a fundraiser to support our own Herbalists Without Borders Clinic here in Spokane! This is exciting and we will have more information about it at the Faire! This clinic will be a committee of the Four Seasons Herbal Guild, the group that organizes the Faire annually.

We create an event that is well staffed by volunteers, and we go out of our way to seek out motivated individuals who want to be a part of our team. Please continue to check the volunteering page for meeting dates, also you can email Jessica on the 'Let's Talk' page. 

We envision of an event that creates community, educates and is beautiful. Corbin Senior Center hosted us the first year, years 2 through 4 were at the Unity Spiritual Center, this location was beautiful and served us well. Now we will be moving to the West Central neighborhood, to the West Central Episcopal Mission! This location will allow us to fund an Herbalists without Border Clinic!

In 2018 there were classes on edible wild plants, composting, medicinal salves, creating your own wildcrafted tea, chinese herbs for cold & flu prevention, seed saving, balancing the fertility cycle with herbs, the history and case for Fire Cider and many more interesting subjects. This year we will continue to bring workshops of value and interest to the Faire, check back to this site for updates. 

We look forward to this year's faire and hope to see you there!


Herbally yours,


~2019 Herb Fairies~

Guild Happenings

Our newest endeavor is the

Herbal Market!

A mini, one day, pop up, herbal market, same location, same style and requests of the vendors and community, workshops, all of it is free.

We are working on different ways to interface with the public, the Faire is beautiful and wildly successful, once a year is so far away, so now in the Spring, Early Fall and Winter we will host a market at the Abbey.

Other Gatherings
Other Interesting Things

Loriens Herbs

Spokane, WA


Hierophant Meadery

Mead, WA


Butterfly Herbs

Missoula, MT

Healing Nature Herbs
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